Let's Talk Marketing
I want to work with you
My name is Tracy Tegan and besides being a romance author I’ve also spent the last two decades as a marketing consultant. I work with companies and social media influencers alike. The one thing that my 20+ years of experience have taught me is that with the right marketing any product can be a success. It doesn’t matter what the item or service is – with the right marketing behind it, you’re going to make money.
Good Marketing is the key to success
One of the more recent clients I worked with is a big named social media influencer, and it gave me invaluable insight into how that aspect of marketing works. I was especially interested in the way they secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) work together to grow their following.
Sometimes they even move in together in what’s known as a “clout house” to really skyrocket their success.
If ten people work together, each one promotes the other, then in the end, they all benefit from each other’s success – and because you’ve worked together, you are 10 times more likely to be successful.
Many people have heard of Jake Paul and “Team 10,” which was his group of 10 social media influencers that all worked with him to grow their brands. But he didn’t invent the concept of clout houses. He’s just one of the many who use the model – but he was just open about it. He didn’t hide that he worked with those ten friends, and together they all hustled to build their own brands, but because they did it together, it made it easier to grow. As one became more successful, it helped the others become successful as well.
I knew that model had potential for authors because it works so well in the influencer world. It’s a proven method that has worked for YouTubers, Viners, Instagram Influencers, and now TikTokers. This isn’t speculation, it’s a method that has made countless social media influencers into millionaires.
It's all about the power of Marketing
In the literary world, the concept of working together isn’t new. Many authors team up to put out “anthologies.”
However, it’s not a method that has proven truly successful for most.
The key to a truly successful relationship is to ensure you maintain the full rights of your work and all of the profits.
- You keep 100% rights to your book.
- You keep 100% of your book sales.
The only way to do that is to form a marketing cooperative. In this case, I’ve created a fictional world known as Big Oak, Texas, and I’m inviting you to take part in writing books in the series.
- You keep 100% rights to your book.
- You keep 100% of your book sales.
- You promote your book.
- I’ll promote my book.
When you promote your book that takes place in the series, that will, by its very nature, promote the series itself, so every book in the series will benefit.
The more successful your book is, the more successful all of the other authors who write books in the series will be.
Like social media influencers do, we author will “collab” on a project that just so happens to be a series of small-town romance novels.
Let's Work Together
I want to be clear on how this works. Big Oak, Texas is an established small-town romance series.
To date, I have written three books in the series. Crescent Moon was the first book, the second was a novella, and the third has yet to be released.
- All books in the series should take place in the small, fictional town of Big Oak, Texas.
- All work submitted must be 100 original work.
- No book may be released in the Big Oak, Texas™ series without prior review and approval by Tracy, LLC.
- All stories should be at least 50,000 words.
- No story should infringe upon the already established canon in previously published books in the Big Oak, Texas series. For example, if in Crescent Moon we establish that Grayson’s last name is Loukas, you can’t change it in your book to be Grayson Smith. Or if in one book we say he has no siblings, you can make him have seven brothers in another book.
- All stories must be fully edited, free of grammatical and spelling errors.
- All published books (either digital or print) must include the page saying that the book is part of the Big Oak, Texas series with a link to the BigOakTexas.com website.
The long and short of it is, I’d like you to write your own romance story that takes place in Big Oak, Texas. If approved to be part of the series, you’ll get your book listed on the BigOakTexas.com website.
You’ll also have your own dedicated author page where you can promote your other books. CLICK HERE TO SEE A SAMPLE AUTHOR PAGE. Keep in mind anything on this page is fully editable. You can post your biography, links to your other books, etc.
This is your book. So you have to write it, edit it, and publish it.
All I’m offering you is the opportunity to include your book in my series – the fictional world of “Big Oak, Texas” and all the marketing benefits that come with that.